Beach Beach Beach


TASC in partnership with Petropol distributes and sells EXXON MOBIL products. Through Petropol we have extensive reserves and a safe and efficient distribution system. Fuel quality is monitored daily as well as being tested with each new truck load for any trace of water or contaminants. Furthermore we accept all major fuel cards and plane fuel programs. Of course we only accept Exxon Mobil fuel orders on our ramp. We also provide major lubricants and turbo oil.

Jet-A prices are similar to California airport prices.

*All Major Fuel Plan and Credit Cards Accepted*

We provide the following:

  • Exxon Mobil Jet-A
  • Limited availability of Barrel AVGAS
  • Fluids and Engine Oils

Plane on Tarmac

Located in Tahiti, Robert Wan is the most respected black pearl producer in the world. Visit the Robert Wan website.